Wednesday, June 22, 2011



How many do you make in a day? 10? 15? 100? or maybe, I don't know... THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS?!

We make so many and we don't even realize it.

We choose to Get out of bed. Then whether or not to make, said bed. What to have for breakfast and one of my favorite parts of the morning; Picking out my Coffee Cup!

[This may sound silly to you, however I take great care in choosing which cup I will sip my delicious, aromatic, caffeinated beverage, from. We've compiled quite the beautiful "Collection" of these cups, if I do say so myself!]

And the list continues onto things like, How to fix your hair for the day, What time to leave your house, what to have for lunch, or whether you should go grocery shopping now, or can stick it out for a few more days, come on now, we've all been there before. Needless to say we make A LOT of decisions that come second nature to us.

Have you ever been faced with a situation where the "Choice-Making" wasn't so second nature. Where maybe you could see two VERY distinct choice options that could be made at this moment, but weren't sure which was the better option? I think we've all been faced with moments/situations in life when we weren't quite sure what to do next.

Well, Praise the Lord we're not alone out here. I don't know about you, but I would be confronted with some pretty ugly outcomes everyday if I relied solely on myself to choose the right way to react to the situations I'm faced with, Lord have mercy, I would be in some deeeeeep stuff.

But, GOD! He is so faithful and wants ONLY the good things for us.

The Holy Spirit will guide and direct you like no man can!

Have you ever made a SNAP-DECISION that you later regretted. You look back and think: "Man, Why did I do that, say that, think that?" While we do not live in past regrets I believe it's good to remember those times, so that in the future we'll not only jump to the RIGHT decisions, but we'll make that right decision FIRST so we don't have to take 10 steps back and apologize for saying/doing/thinking something that wasn't right.

I want to encourage you all, including myself first and foremost, to continually rely on the Holy Spirit, ALWAYS. And he will always help us to make the right choices!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Forks, Kicking, Screaming and the Disco

So, I would like to share something with you.

I'd written a very fun and detailed account of my weekend however I feel the need to share this with you instead:

Have you ever done something that has brought you to a "Fork in the road"?

Where you look at a situation and you can clearly see there are 2 decisions you could make.

The 2 decisions are as follows:

a.) Kick, Scream, throw a tantrum, place blame, cry, feel sorry for yourelf, get other people to feel sorry for me so I don't feel so silly getting upset over this thing, Alert the media, give up all hope, and maybe even get mad enough to THROW things.



Now, while Option "A" is rather appealing and somwhere I've almost dared go before, Option "B" is clearly the better option...or is it that Clear?

How many times in our everyday lives do we allow the silly, little, petty things get to us and wreck our day, week, month, year, or even our lives?

As people who live in the world (but are NOT OF THE WORLD..*Romans 12:2*Remember! ) we are faced daily if not hourly with opportunities that we could justify kicking, screaming, crying, and whining because we don't get our way.

I refuse to allow my future to be tampered with by the small, little, petty things that are thrown at me!

My destiny and purpose are too important to cry over phones, speeding tickets, not getting my way and that thing, some girl, said to me in the 7th grade.

It's time to step up to the plate and take charge of what we've been called to do.

We have 2 Choices:

a.)To give up and live a bland, mediocre, and quite frankly SAD life.


b.)The much better and WAY more exciting choice - to take hold of what we've been promised, by the Lord and fulfill the destiny He's placed on our lives!

He is GOOD and does ONLY GOOD!

He knew us before we were EVEN FORMED in our Mother's Womb. *Jeremiah 1:5* He has a plan and a purpose for each of our lives and the only reason that purpose won't be fulfilled is if WE ALLOW it to be voided by our kicking, screaming, crying and whining.

Don't spend so much time dwelling on how the world/man has done you wrong, the Lord even tells us in *Joshua 1:5* that man will fail us but the Lord will NEVER FAIL US! Isn't that so re-assuring! That encourages me daily, to know that I'm not forsaken, the Lord hasn't forgotten about me or what He's called me to do. He thinks about, prays for, and Loves me/you EVERY SINGLE MOMENT OF THE DAY!

I want to encourage you to STAY STRONG & don't give up!

The Lord Loves you and so do I!

Other Stuff:

-If you have not yet checked out generally speaking you must! Rochelle is such a talented writer and great friend! She's just all around, an awesome person!

Quote of the Week:
-"Life is like a disco, when the music changes, just keep dancing" - From the Movie: "Jumping The Broom"

Have a Blessed Week!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Inner Child

I've attempted to get a new post up about 3 times this month, and something happens EVERY TIME! HA. It'll work this time, I just know it!

I feel like so much always happens inbetween these posts and I Bombarde you with TONS od info. AH!

Currently: Sipping on a Coconut Cream Frappe' from, you guessed it..Starbucks! It's VERY Tastey!

This past Saturday, April 30th, Christine, Hannah, and I channeled our "Inner-Children" and went to SIX FLAGS! Talk about BLAST-O-RAMA! While there we spyed a few things, this being my FAVORITE hair-do(n't) of the day:

Sweet Hannah even let me pretend to take a picture of her so I could get this Shot, Thank you Hannah!

There was also a Cheer Competition taking place, so we stopped by and watched a few routines until they closed the competition down due to "Inclement Weather". We then moseied on over to the, always entertaining, "Karaoke Pavillion" I don't know about you, but I find Karaoke to be one of the most entertaining things out there. Good times were had, to say the least!

We also rode the NEW and IMPROVED TEXAS GIANT! And let me tell you, that was well worth the 3.5 Hour wait! You may be saying to yourself: "Why in the world would someone wait 3.5 hours only to have enjoyment for about 2.5 MINUTES?" Well that's a great question, thanks for asking! I will tell you this, when we entered the line the wait was approx. 1.5 Hours, and all day the lines had been moving faster than the posted wait times (AND we wanted to ride this new/re-vamped Coaster) so, we decided it would be a good idea! The line was moving at a nice steady pace; we we're 3/4 of the way there when all of a sudden we hear: "Attention: We've temporarily shut down the Texas Giant, the wait should be no longer than 15 minutes, we will keep you updated..."(Now, that's not verbatum...but you get the jist!) So, we decided we would wait, and 45 minutes later the line was amovin' once again. We boarded the coaster and were OFF! BEST COASTER EXPERIENCE EVER! (Well..maybe not EVER but it's up there!) So, moral of this story: Go to Six Flags, Get in line for the Texas Giant, Wait However long it takes, and ENJOY the ride!

And of course, we couldn't leave out the ever-so-famous TITAN! We saved this one for last and that is where I spotted the previously shared "Shaved-Ponytail" Guy.

As we made our way out of the park and to our car we were suddenly faced with a SERIOUS situation, that I think a lot of people probably encounter after a day in the sun, and being joseled around up and down, back and forth and every which way... WHERE DID WE PARK?! I can honsetly say, I knew it was far away and I was about ready to lay down on the pavement and pray the Lord Translate me home. Now, I'm not nearly that dramatic (In public at least) and so the 3 of us embarked upon a Car Location journey! All I knew was, the car is Black. So my GENIUS Idea was "Just look for a BLACK CAR." Well turns out everyone and their sister drove a Black car to six flags, so that plan was SHOT. Then I prayed and after about 10 to what seemed 100 years, but in reality was only about 15 minutes later, we spotted that Black Beauty!

Sushi Time is what was next on our agenda!
No explination really needed for this...It just sounded good!

All in All Channeling my Inner-Child was a success! I've realized this is something I often forget to do. Who says that just because I'm 22 I can't have a Saturday or 10, to act like I'm 13 again...which was actually a rather odd/awkward age for me, but that's not the point. The point is that I'm still young and need to act that way!

So, I say lets all make a pact to stay YOUNG! In our attitudes and our activities!

Have you guys/gals been tuning in?
I have.
I like it.
I especially like:
Javier Colon's version of "Time After Time"
Elenowen's Version of "Falling Slowley"
You should check them out on iTunes.

The Office.
Do you watch it?
I do.
What do you think about these new episodes?
The last one made me sad.
"NO MICHAEL, DON'T GO!" That's what I wanted to tell him.

In regards to MONIES:
So, now that I'm a grown-up (But still young, remember that pact ^^) I've been cracking down and creating a budget and all that other Grown-upy Stuff. MINT is a great place to do that. If you're looking for a program to help you keep track of your spending, etc. this is a great site, if you go check it out tell them Holly sent you! (NOT REALLY!)

Until Next time (Whenever that may be)!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Rewind your lives back to March 19th because that's when this was supposed to be posted.

(*SIDENOTE: My computer was playing the popular children's game, known as FREEZE when I tried to post, ummm ENJOY!) Starbucks. That's where I am RIGHT NOW! Now, some of you may be thinking: "SO...I go there EVERYday!" And I can relate to you, though, I'm not here EVERYDAY I come as often as possible. And for those of you who are like "What's Starbucks?" Then I am praying for you, because you have not yet embarked upon the tastey, nostril-pleasing adventure that is Starbucks! So, Why am I telling you that I'm at Starbucks, If I so OBVIOUSLY come here often and it's not some "HUGE" of an accomplishment? Because, I am writing this blog IN Starbucks! I've NEVER done that! I've always been a little nervous, I feel like peole would be staring at me, or reading over my shoulder, or well who knows, I just didn't want to! And to be honest I never really had a reason to. UNTIL, I moved to Ye 'Ole Newark, TX! :) Now, don't get me wrong, I don't mind a small-ish town, Can somebody say COLUMBUS, TEXAS! (Shout out to my TBI Peeps!) Well, In Newark, there's a little thing that prevents me from accessing the web, and that would be called: "A LACK OF SIGNAL" say it with me now: "LACK-OF-SIGNAL" Good! Now, we have it every now and then but it's not super reliable. Which actually hasn't been the worst thing ever. It's been like a fast I didn't know I was taking!! Which, I guess isn't technically a fast afterall...I have the use of my cellular device though, so I'm not TOTALLY disconnected from the Universe. Anyhow, That is my "short" explination of why this MONUMENTAL MOMENT is so important to me! And it's actually not bad at all! People are NOT staring or reading over my shoulder and to be honest I don't think they really care what I'm doing! Go figure! Now, onto the good stuff! I am currently, Like RIGHT THIS SECOND, listening to the NEW Hillsong United Cd "A F T E R M A T H" And let me tell you what! IT'S AWESOME! I know I'm a little late jumping onto this bandwagon...but Hey, at least I jumped, RIGHT?! If you haven't yet purchased it, YOU MUST! This is a CD worth actually purchasing and not just "Sampling" on iTunes. You know what I'm talking about, going onto iTunes and playing the little tid-bit they provide. WELL, STOP IT! You need to go buy it NOW! Or, ask for it, for your Birthday, or as a "Happy Friday Gift!" Either way, you must get it...NO Bootleggin'! While listening to it for the first time, I would decide: "OK, THIS is my FAVORITE song!" And then the next one would come on and I'd be like: "Scratch that, THIS ONE is my favorite!" And that's been happening with EVERY SONG!!! I've also heard the new Bethel CD "Be Lifted High" is rather AMAZING too! I've yet to purchase it, so I can't tell you what I think, but I'm going to say I'm PRETTY SURE I'll like it just as much! (**SIDENOTE: Seeing how it's really been almost a MONTH since I wrote this, I HAVE purchased the Bethel "Be Lifted High" CD, and Well like I Predicted AMAZING! Get it too!). As you all know, I recently re-located to the Ft.Worth area! It's been amazing! I can't even begin to express to you, with words, what a blessing this has been! I wake up at 6:30(am) and am so EXCITED to go to work everyday! Am I tired, yes, but still excited!! We have morning devotions with praise and worship! The people there LOVE GOD! I'm still getting used to walking past someones lunch table and hearing people talk about God's goodness! Just this afternoon, I was sitting at my desk, and I could here someone in their office talking with a co-worker about how much he loves and adores his wife! Now, I don't know about you, but in my personal experiences when I've overheard a co-worker talking in their office, in the past, they've been talking about their spouse but not neccessarily, expressing their love if you know what I'm saying...It's just so encouraging to see people who truley enjoy what they do! Serving there I'm constantly just OVERWHELMED with joy and as I'm sitting at my desk (ALL by myself might I add) and I start laughing!!! What an amazing environment! Now, are we all people, yes. Do we all have day's that don't start out like we'd planned (Such as myself this morning which involved a wardrobe malfunction and running late) yes. But as soon as you come into an environment that is saturated with God's love it's impossible to allow the enemy to prevail. PRAISE GOD!! Side Note: I'm now listening to "I AM" by Eddie James and I want to BUST OUT and start singing at the top of my lungs! Ha, what a sight that would be, for these people in here! Have you ever done that accidently? or on purpose perhaps??

Thursday, February 24, 2011

"Life Update"

These are some of the questions I've been getting lately:
"Hey, so umm what's going on in your life?"
"I heard you're moving! Where to?"
"OMG! I'm so excited for you, what will you be doing?"
So, here's a "Life Update" as my friend Rochelle, calls it!
Back in October/November (2010) I was presented with an opportunity! A friend of mine, Jenny sent myself and another friend of mine, we'll call this friend "Barbie" a link, to a website, to apply for some jobs at Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM)! I went to the website and looked over the positions they had open and chose a few that really interested me! I filled out my application, that might I add, was no easy feat! My computer/Internet connection was not cooperating, I had to fill it out about 3 times until I decided to call it a night. In the morning I woke up with a fresh perspective and filled that baby out on the first try! Praise GOD! I then, prayed over it and believed that if it was the right opportunity, God would open the right doors! Then, I sort of, placed it in the back of my mind. Then about a month later I got a call from their Human Resources Department and they were interested in me! Now, to make a long story short, I did a phone interview and was then called in for a few "Face to Face" interviews, if you will! On my last "Face to Face" I was actually done with my interview and they called me back in and offered me a completely different position that I hadn't even applied for! It's exactly what I was looking for & had prayed about! I tell you what, God will truly open the RIGHT doors for you! Just put your trust in HIM and you SO, won't be disappointed! I recieved a call on Monday, February 14th 2011, the day of LOVE! And KCM officially offered me the Project Coordinator position! I nearly dropped the phone, I was so excited! I wanted to run around town telling EVERYONE! I wanted to BLAST it on Facebook and Twitter and of course HERE! However, there were still some things that needed to be finalized, so I decided to keep things under raps until it was all taken care of! The next day I called my sweet friend Jenny and she was so excited! She's so sweet! And God opened another door! He'd put it on Jenny's heart about the same time I'd applied for the positions, that if I did get the job, for me to live with her! I prayed about it and I know this is TOTALLY a "God-Thing!" It's absolutely amazing to see what God was doing behind the scenes! While I was praying about the position's and open doors, God was already working out where I would live! And that's not all! I've been believing for a new vehicle for quite some time now! And I knew that God would provide it at the right time! When I was 17 I purchased a Forest Green, 1998 Buick Century. She's a great car as far as, getting from Point A to Point B, however cosmetically she isn't as "Wonderful" put it quite plainly she's an "OLD LADY CAR" however, The Green Beauty, as we've strategically named her (Hey, call those things to be not as though they were!) This week my mother, sister, and I went on a quest to find my new car! We looked for about 3 days and I am happy to say: "I am the proud new owner of a White Toyota Camry" I'm so excited! She's Beautiful! And in perfect condition! and one of my favorite features is the WINDOWS! THEY ROLL DOWN! ALL OF THEM! :) The Green Beauty's windows don't work, so I've never been able to go through the driv-thru..sad story, I know! So, today I was out running some last-minute errands and decided: "I would like some Starbucks, AND I will use the Drive-Thru!" I was so excited I even had my sister Record it on my phone! Needless to say, The Lord WILL provide and He always does! I am moving, to Fort Worth, TOMORROW! I'm so excited! And my First day at KCM is This Monday, Feb. 28th, 2011!!! All Praises be to God! He is SO GOOD! :)
Much Love,

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Braggy McBraggerson!

Fa la la la la la la!
O, that's just me SINGING!
Do you ask?
Because God is Faithful & O, so good! I have some EXTREMELY exciting news to share with you, in a few days! As for now, I just wanted to brag on God for a moment and let you know that your prayers do NOT go un-heard. He cares so much for you and wants to give you the desires of your heart:
"Delight yourself in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart."
-Ps. 37:4 (NKJV)
He truly wants to bless and love on you!
I encourage you to call upon God with those desires you have and watch them flourish!
He is good, all the time and all the time He is good!
Have a blessed Thursday!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Last week I was "Browsing""Browsing"...Yea Right!
While there, I came across these Cute Brown Clogs:I got them for HALF their Regular Price! I ordered them Last Thursday and Received them today! I was so excited to see them sitting on the table, when I got home! I eagerly tore through the box and put them on! These little beauties are so Cute [& not so "Little" after all! They come equipped with a 5" Heel and a 1" Platform! Hello 5'7!] While walking around the kitchen I managed to slip twice only to catch myself in an awkward lunge-like pose. AND of course my mother and sister were both there to join in the uprorious laughter! Needless to say, I'll have to break them in, a bit, before allowing them to make their "Public Debut"! I'm pretty excited though, I've been wanting to branch out in the show department and I feel like these and the metallic oxfords, from my last post, are a good start!

What are some of your Favorite Websites to shop at?

Happy Tuesday,
