Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Not the Karate Chopping kind.
The HELLO kind!!
I've missed you all.
I've been a little M.I.A. lately
I've been working
Youth Grouping
My Sister came to town for a week & I missed her dearly.
She left for school on Saturday and I won't see her until OCTOBER.
Boo to that.
YAY to her going to College!!
She and my Brother just turned 19!
NO WAY are they 19!

Anyhow, I stumbled upon this adorable Blog:
You should check it out!
Her Posts are so cute and Extremely well written!

In other news:
I like organizing!
I like everything about it!
Finding a place for everything
and coming up with fun, creative, & cute ways to keep everything together.
Unlike most females my age I'm not drawn to your average magazines;
[i.e. Fashion, Gossip, Etc.]
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy scimming the pages of the latest InStyle and re-living my teen years with an issue of Seventeen!
However, my FAVORITE magazines include:
Good Housekeeping has great Organizational tips:
Go Here to see them!

Here's a video I can't get enough of...
This gets me up EVERYTIME!

"She's gonna try and stop me, but she can't run in those 'lil high heels.."
Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday!