Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ribbon Flowers!

I Dig Craft Time!
I look forward to the times when I'll get to be creative and come up with funky new things!
This weeks Craft consists of
They're so much fun and SUPER Easy!
I used a Booklet, my friend, Cameron had.
However, I've found a tutorial that is quite similar!
Click Here to partake of the Flower-Making-Craze!
Here's Mine!!

Isn't it cute?
I actually attached it to a Hair tie!!
These Flowers are so versatile!
You can also sew them onto a Fabric headband like this:

or Hot Glue one onto a headband, or cards, or gifts!!
The possibilities are ENDLESS!!! :)

Cameron and I saw this really cute idea to store your ribbons!
(Idea Found Here!)

Here's my Take:

And I'm in the process of filling a SECOND canister...
Let's just say my Mom has A LOT of ribbon!
[Thanks mom for letting me use it!!]

I hope you're all ready to start making those flowers!!
Let me know how they turn out!! :)

Tuseday's Tip:
Add Cinnamon to your Coffee!
(Unless you're allergic...then DO NOT add Cinnamon to your coffee!)
I've been adding it to mine for about a week and all I can say is..
YUMMMM! :) :) :)

What am I listening to, you ask!
Check it out:
Gavin Degraw
Jack Johnson
Luke and Drew
Vickie Yohe
Kari Jobe

Much Love,

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Woodpeckers & Hotels

I do believe I've made a woodpecker friend.
He is sitting behind me in a tree.
As woodpeckers normally do...
and he's a-peckin.
You see, I'm not at home.
I'm at a HOTEL.
But, unfortunately I have not left my town.
I'm still in the same place I always am..
But, like I said, I am staying at a HOTEL.
Our Air Conditioner decided it wanted to take a break...
Therefore our house is pretty much UNBEARABLE at this moment.
So, we drove about five minutes down the street and got ourselves
(Ourselves being, my mom, dad, sister, and I)
If you can't already tell, I'm quite the fan of Hotels!
I think they're so welcoming and fun!
They have a pool/hot tub! (BONUS!)
They're nicely Decorated!
They're Clean! (Well, Hopefully..)
And you never know who you'll meet.
I feel that a Hotel creates a sense of adventure!
You can be whoever you want to be.
I mean think about it...
Most likely you aren't going to see anyone you know.
(Unless you've come with a group of friends/family!!)
Therefore I enjoy them quite a bit!
Although I am a little bummed that we're not somewhere tropical on vacation
a small one-night getaway is always nice!
As I speak, my mom and I are sitting on the back patio around an un-lit fire pit
on our computers!
It's so nice and calm out here.
Someday I'd like for my backyard to feel home-y like this! :)
And O, my goodness there's a couch in the Lobby that I would take with me if I could fit it in my purse...Ok, well I wouldn't steal it...I really like it though!!!
Anyhow, As you can see/read I'm really enjoying myself!
I'll be sad to leave tomorrow.
But, Happy that our AC will be working!!!
OOO! And exciting news!!
I'm getting a new phone!!! AHH!
I'm so excited!!

Much Love,

Thursday, July 15, 2010

6 Favorites!

Top 6 Favorites of the moment!

#1) Decor:
Wall Art made using recycled Books!!
(Click here to see more)

#2) Clothing:
They have such CUTE things!!
And this blazer is so versatile; Cute and Funky!

#3) Music:
If you've never been, you should check it out!
It's a FREE music Website.
You can create numerous Playlists!
Some songs I've been jammin' to lately include:

-"Folding Chair" by Regina Spektor
-"Half Of My Heart" by John Mayer Ft. Taylor Swift
-"Fly Me Away" by Annie Little
-"Let's Just Fall In Love Again" by Jason Castro
-"Let Me Sign" by Rob Pattinson

#4) Food:
I eat there WAY too often!
But, it's so DELICIOUS!!!
My favorite Sandwich of the moment is, the Orchard Chicken Salad on Wheat Bread!!
(Tastey Tip: Add the "Sweet Onion Sauce" SO DELICOUS!)

OK, I would DEFINITELY consider this to be something HEALTH-related!
I can NOT leave the house without it.
I apply it all over every morning and re-apply later on in the day.
A Sunscreen is SO, SOO important! I can't stretch it enough!
I like:
Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunblock SPF 70
I use it in place of a Facial Moisturizer during the day!
It's Amazing! Doesn't dry greasy or yucky...like some sunscreens.
Not to mention the awesome Protection it yields!
So, what I want you to take away from this is...

#6) YouTube!
So, WHO doesn't enjoy YouTube??
I know I do!!
My Uncle posted this on his Facebook page the other day and I HAVE to share it with you!

If you've got a list of your Favorite things of the moment feel free to list them below!!
I like seeing what others are into!

Much Love,

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Wall Art & Coffee Cups

Craft Time!
It's one of my favorite times!
Today's Craft included

The walls in my room are a little scarce ,as far as art/pictures, to say the least.
Therefore, I felt it quite necessary to add something pleasing to these walls!
I got this adorable idea form Homespun Forte!
Her ideas are just so cute and useful!

Aren't they so cute!
I really like them!
And I'm excited I get to see them everyday!

In other News..
Coffee Cups.
I've come to notice that I've started collecting them!
And I've been finding some really cute ones at Ross (Where you can Dress for Less!!)
Anyhow, I came across an ARIEL Mug (From The Little Mermaid) yesterday and was beyond ECSTATIC!!!
You see, The Little Mermaid was my All-Time FAVORITE Movie as a child!
And it's still in my Top 5!
So, you can imagine my excitement when I found it!
There was also a Belle and Cinderella one too.
I didn't get those though...Next time perhaps.
I also found a Tall Plain white one
and a Heart one!
I'm so excited to use them!!
Here Are My Coffee Cup Finds:

Do you collect anything?
Let me know!

Much Love,

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Green Beauty

Why, Hello there!

Random Fact:
Did you know Eggs contain the highest food protein known. All parts of an egg are edible, including the shell which has a high calcium content. (Via Randomhistory.com)
Who Knew?
Not me! I would've never thought to eat the shell..hmm.
If anyone tries it, let me know what you think!

Well, It's July 3rd 2010. I can honestly say that this is one of the FASTEST years of my life. Last time I checked it was March and I was only dreaming about the summer months to come.
Well, they're here!
I thoroughly enjoy wearing shorts and sandals everyday and having the warm sun there to greet me each morning! I get to wear my cute $5.00 sunglasses and drive around with the windows down, unless your windows don't roll down; like mine.
[I look forward to having that luxury when my new vehicle arrives! (Believing it'll come in the Name of Jesus!).]

Speaking of Vehicles, let me tell you about mine. It's a FORREST green '98 Buick Century. A.K.A. "The Old-Lady Car"
However, I have named her "THE GREEN BEAUTY" ("The Beauty"-for short),
in hopes that others will someday see her potential.
I Purchased her myself when I was 17.
Therefore, I've had The Green Beauty for about 3 years or so.
She is the FIRST and ONLY car I've ever owned.
Needless to say, I have a connection with The Beauty. Even though she may have a few dents and we had to glue the windows shut, and the air can only be put on the setting "LOW", and she has a cassette player that chooses when it wants to work...
Regardless of it all..She's special to me!
She's been such a faithful car!
The only trouble I've ever had with her consists of a few flat tires and changing the brake pads.
So, I will be a little sad when I have to part with her...But, I'm ready for my NEW Vehicle to come!

I like that word.
It's Fresh.
It's Clean.
It's Happy.
It's Fun and Exciting.
It's all the things that Jesus is!

I came across this really cool website that I had to tell someone about.
And I figured, why not let that "Someone" be YOU!
I follow a blog called Homespun Forte it's really inspiring.
She has some really cute and crafty How-to's and Ideas!
Right now she and a friend are doing a wedding series called "Suddenly Inspired" and it's got some really great and helpful ideas!
She featured another website on her blog today called Polyvore.com
It's super cool! You can create a collage using items from other web pages.
Here's an example:
Red,White,and Blue!

[In honor of the 4th of July!!]
But, I just went to Anthropologie.com and found all of these really cute items!
You can go onto any of your favorite websites and use the "Import" tool.
Polyvore then saves your item, the website you copied it from, and the price.
When you save and publish it, it'll put it onto your profile and others can see it
(Or you can make it private).
You can also look at other collage's that other Polyvore users created!
I've been having so much fun! :)
I think it's a really good idea for any event you may be planning!!
So, you should check it out!
And let me know how it goes!
You can leave me a link in the comments and I'll check them out!

Music I've been digging:

Beckah Shae - "Here In This Moment"
Chris August - "Starry Night"
Sanctus Real - "Lead Me"
FFH - "Undone"
Haddaway - "What Is Love"...ha.
Bonnie Tyler - "Total Eclipse Of The Heart"
Pink - "Glitter In The Air"
The Temper Trap - "Sweet Disposotion"
Matchbox 20 - "How Far We've Come"
Adele - "Make You Feel My Love"
Queen/Glee Version - "Somebody To Love"
Pretty Much Any 80's Music! :)

Well, Happy 4th of July!

And a Special Thanks to everyone who has devoted their lives to serving our country.
Much love and prayers to you!

May the Fireworks be Merry!