Sunday, July 18, 2010

Woodpeckers & Hotels

I do believe I've made a woodpecker friend.
He is sitting behind me in a tree.
As woodpeckers normally do...
and he's a-peckin.
You see, I'm not at home.
I'm at a HOTEL.
But, unfortunately I have not left my town.
I'm still in the same place I always am..
But, like I said, I am staying at a HOTEL.
Our Air Conditioner decided it wanted to take a break...
Therefore our house is pretty much UNBEARABLE at this moment.
So, we drove about five minutes down the street and got ourselves
(Ourselves being, my mom, dad, sister, and I)
If you can't already tell, I'm quite the fan of Hotels!
I think they're so welcoming and fun!
They have a pool/hot tub! (BONUS!)
They're nicely Decorated!
They're Clean! (Well, Hopefully..)
And you never know who you'll meet.
I feel that a Hotel creates a sense of adventure!
You can be whoever you want to be.
I mean think about it...
Most likely you aren't going to see anyone you know.
(Unless you've come with a group of friends/family!!)
Therefore I enjoy them quite a bit!
Although I am a little bummed that we're not somewhere tropical on vacation
a small one-night getaway is always nice!
As I speak, my mom and I are sitting on the back patio around an un-lit fire pit
on our computers!
It's so nice and calm out here.
Someday I'd like for my backyard to feel home-y like this! :)
And O, my goodness there's a couch in the Lobby that I would take with me if I could fit it in my purse...Ok, well I wouldn't steal it...I really like it though!!!
Anyhow, As you can see/read I'm really enjoying myself!
I'll be sad to leave tomorrow.
But, Happy that our AC will be working!!!
OOO! And exciting news!!
I'm getting a new phone!!! AHH!
I'm so excited!!

Much Love,

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