Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Free Stuff & Tattoos!

Today was my first day off in almost 10 days!!! It was very relaxing! :) I got to sleep in!! :) AND I got a FREE lipstick!! I never really wear lipstick, but figured I might as well start!! Haha. It's really pretty! It's from Rimmel & it's called "Nostalgia"
Here's a picture:

I like getting things for FREE!! I think most people do! I also read that today was FREE Pastry Day and Starbucks...WHAT!!!!! I had no idea (until I read about it of course..haha) I wish I would've known that this morning...haha. Perhaps there will be another one sometime soon!! :)

Right now my sister and I are talking about Tattoo's. I have mixed feelings about them....You see, One day I think: "Yea, that'd be cool to get one.." and then the next day I think: "There's NO way I could get one....what could I possibly want to put on my body FOREVER??" haha...so you can see where I am torn. Haha. I can honestly say I don't think I will ever be getting a tattoo precisely because of the latter reason..haha. Just thought I'd share that with you! :)

O, and here's an "add-on" to my gym experience last night...haha. So, my sister and I went downstairs to where all of the weights and other equippment are located. And we worked out on a few different machines, then made our way to the one where you sit on the bench and pull the wights down (Sorry, I don't know all of the proper names for them....AHH! haha.) and I said: "O, let's do this one..it's one of my favorites! And she said to me "Holly, I don't think you can do that one..." (and I thought she meant I wasn't capapble of pulling the weight)..so I said to her "Why do you doubt me..???" and then I looked up and saw that there weren't any handlebars....so when she said I couldn't do it...she meant I wouldn't be able to Use the machine due to a lack of proper equippment...haha. Then we started laughing...it was so funny!! :)

So, I've been thinking a lot about the future! It's exciting! I have so many dreams!!! :) New one's are forming Each and Every day!! And I'm excited to keep you updated along the journey!!! :)

-Holly :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Funny Day!!!

Today was very EXCITING!!
1. I HAD PANCAKES this morning!!! SO, Delicious!!! :) I actually substituted the milk with half and half and some Coconut Cream Coffe Creamer (Ok, So I substituted mainly because we were out of milk...haha. And The coffee creamer adds a little FLAVAA! haha.) And Let me tell you, They were DE-LICIOUS!!! :)
2. I worked at David's Bridal! And I sold my FIRST Wedding Dress!! It was really fun/really good for sales as well! :)

3. When I came home there was a note from my sister saying that she went out to run some errands and when she got home she wanted to go to THE GYM!!!! I was so excited/happy to see that! I didn't even realize how much I'd been wanting to go, until I read her note!! Haha. And Let me tell you, We worked out for a little over an Hour and 45 minutes!! :) HUUUGGEE accomplishment! I like that I have a Workout partner now!! MOTIVATED BIGGGG TIME! :) O, and I had an interesting encounter at the gym....so here I am just wanting a leisure workout and so I go to the machine where you look like you're walking/riding a bike, but your standing up (Sorry, I don't know the name...AHHH!) anyway, I put my water-bottle, phone, and ipod on the machine...and then the smell wafted through the air (via all of the fans...) and then I Smelt it FULL-ON...VOMIT. Now, I know that sounds really gross, but as I looked a the machine a little closer, I noticed what looked very similiar to a persons "Up Chuck" if you will. So I told my sister "I think someone threw up on this..." and so I decided not to use it..haha. And I made my way over to the Treadmill! haha. So, that was certainly an experience...haha.
4. When we completed our rigorous Work-Out She blessed me with SUBWAY!!!Definitely a Holly-Fav.!! (My favorite Sandwich is a "Spicy Italian" on Wheat Bread...And I just have them toast the bread and cheese..then add the meat, & I have it with ALL of the Veggies-sometimes I don't get the Jalapenos or Banana Peppers, Just depends!- Just in case you were wondering!! :) haha. O, And my favorite chips to eat along with my MONSTEROUS sandwich is the Lays Jalapeno chips!! YUMM!)
5. Not to mention: THE WEATHER WAS ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL TODAY!!! It's funny how much weather can affect your day/mood. But, It sure does! It was close to perfection today...haha. Ok maybe not THAT close, But BEAUTIFUL, Nonetheless! I'm really excited for the SUMMAAA! I think it's going to be a great one!! :) I like the SUNSHINEY-Days and riding around with the windows down, Seeing movies in the middle of a weekday and the Late-Night Whataburger runs!!! :) And I'm going to Michigan, so I'm pumped about seeing my family!! :)
6. I laughed so hard I cried!! Haha. My sister and I were talking about my dog Lady, who likes to sleep on my Dad's Pillow. And I was telling her how I went into my parents room this morning and saw that she was laying on my dad's pillow and taking the entire thing up in the meantime!!! haha. It was so, so funny. And while I was telling this story I started craking up!!!! And then my other dog, daisy,sauntered into the room and I started smelling the Amazingly FOUL odor! I asked my sister if she smelt it too, and she blamed it on a treat we'd given her earlier...BUT NO! IT WAS NOT BECAUSE OF THE TREAT....that EXTREMELY FOUL ODOR was coming from Daisy alright...she had rolled around in some POOP!!! AHHH! It was horrible and hilarious ALL at the same time! She wanted me to pet her...but I couldn't...hahahaha. So, my sister gave her a bath and I am happy to report SHE SMELLS LIKE A "DAISY" now!! haha! Animals are so funny! And I love them!! :)
This is Daisy!! She's so cute!!!

7. My sister and I are listening to some extremely OLD songs right now..haha. Ok, maybe they're not THAT old...but for us...stuff from like 5th and 6th grade. Haha. :)
8. On February 17th I took the blood:water mission. It's where you go 40 days without any beverage besides water. And the money you save from the beverages you would have purchased, you donate at the end of the 40 days to The Blood:Water Mission,www.bloodwatermission.com/fortydays which will go towards providing clean water for Africa!! I've really enjoyed doing this because it just goes to show that I'm part of something bigger than myself! And not to mention the lives it's going to change!! And I have to be honest..COFFEE and TEA are two of my favorite beverages...sometimes more so than water....So these 40 days are really helping me to understand/appreciate the fact that I am blessed and privileged to have access to clean water! And It's helping me kick the habit of all the coffee and tea! haha. April 3rd is the end of the 40 days. And I will drink coffee/tea again..but, I I will say that ever since I started this challenge I've been enjoying water more!! Haha. Like actually CRAVING it. haha. :) So, I'm excited about this and I hope this inspires you to want to make a difference!! :) I'll let you know how it all goes! :)

WELL, I guess I've said all there is for now...haha. :)
-Holly :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Update! :)


Long time no CONVO!! haha. I've been up to so much! God is so, SOOOO Awesome! I love and adore Him so much! :) He's blessed me with so many fun and new opportunities!! :)

OK! So, First of all, I now have 2 jobs!!! As you know I work at Pier 1, which is going really well! :) And I just recently got a job at David's Bridal!! I'm so excited! I've been working there for about a week now and I like it SOOOOO Much! :) I sold my first prom dress the other day!! Which is really GOOD! haha. And I had my first Wedding Dress consultation (By myself) And it went really well! I really like being able to help people pick out the perfect dress/accessories for their BIG day! Whether it be Prom, Bridesmaid, Bridal, etc. haha. As you can tell, I REALLY enjoy everything about it! And I get along with all of the other ladies who work there as well! BONUS! :) So, Funny story (A bit of a detour) I was talking with my sister and a co-worker (Seperately) and I told them that I think I have a bit of an obsession with Weddings/Engagements and things of that nature..haha. Anytime I hear about a Wedding/Engagement (even if I don't know the person) I get excited!! And I want to ask a thousand questions...haha. And my sister came to the conclusion that she too, is slightly obsessed as well!! Haha. (EXAMPLE) I came home from work today and she tells me (as soon as I walk in the door) "Hey Holly, Platnium Weddings is on!!" haha. And so now you all know: "I REALLY LIKE ALL THINGS WEDDINGS/ENGAGEMENT/MARRIAGE!!!" :) So if you're planning a wedding, or are engaged, or are even married: I would so much like to hear about it!! :) haha!! :) O, and I like proposal stories too!! :) HAHAHAHA! Ok, Sorry That was my GIRLY MOMENT!!! :)

Ok, now where was I?....OOOO! I get to go to a HILLSONG concert in April!!! My April is actually quite busy now that I think of it! I'm going to a wedding on the 4th!! (haha), and on the 24th I'm FLYING to Houston!! And then I'm meeting up with some friends and we're going to San Antonio (That's where the concert's taking place!!!) Needless to say..I AM SO, SO EXCITED!!! I haven't flown in almost 7 years..WOW! And I've NEVER flown all by myself before. I've always flown with my parents or with a sibling. So, this should be a nice/fun "Grown-up" trip!! haha. So, I'm VURY excited about all that the future holds and All that God is doing in my life!!! And I'm so excited to keep you all updated! :) YAY!!!

Well this was pretty much just an update!! And I hope to be posting more often!! :)

P.S. I painted some shoes for my sister, her friend and myself! Here are a few pictures:


Have a Wonderful/Blessed day!! And I'll talk to you all soon! :)

-Holly :)