Sunday, March 21, 2010

Update! :)


Long time no CONVO!! haha. I've been up to so much! God is so, SOOOO Awesome! I love and adore Him so much! :) He's blessed me with so many fun and new opportunities!! :)

OK! So, First of all, I now have 2 jobs!!! As you know I work at Pier 1, which is going really well! :) And I just recently got a job at David's Bridal!! I'm so excited! I've been working there for about a week now and I like it SOOOOO Much! :) I sold my first prom dress the other day!! Which is really GOOD! haha. And I had my first Wedding Dress consultation (By myself) And it went really well! I really like being able to help people pick out the perfect dress/accessories for their BIG day! Whether it be Prom, Bridesmaid, Bridal, etc. haha. As you can tell, I REALLY enjoy everything about it! And I get along with all of the other ladies who work there as well! BONUS! :) So, Funny story (A bit of a detour) I was talking with my sister and a co-worker (Seperately) and I told them that I think I have a bit of an obsession with Weddings/Engagements and things of that nature..haha. Anytime I hear about a Wedding/Engagement (even if I don't know the person) I get excited!! And I want to ask a thousand questions...haha. And my sister came to the conclusion that she too, is slightly obsessed as well!! Haha. (EXAMPLE) I came home from work today and she tells me (as soon as I walk in the door) "Hey Holly, Platnium Weddings is on!!" haha. And so now you all know: "I REALLY LIKE ALL THINGS WEDDINGS/ENGAGEMENT/MARRIAGE!!!" :) So if you're planning a wedding, or are engaged, or are even married: I would so much like to hear about it!! :) haha!! :) O, and I like proposal stories too!! :) HAHAHAHA! Ok, Sorry That was my GIRLY MOMENT!!! :)

Ok, now where was I?....OOOO! I get to go to a HILLSONG concert in April!!! My April is actually quite busy now that I think of it! I'm going to a wedding on the 4th!! (haha), and on the 24th I'm FLYING to Houston!! And then I'm meeting up with some friends and we're going to San Antonio (That's where the concert's taking place!!!) Needless to say..I AM SO, SO EXCITED!!! I haven't flown in almost 7 years..WOW! And I've NEVER flown all by myself before. I've always flown with my parents or with a sibling. So, this should be a nice/fun "Grown-up" trip!! haha. So, I'm VURY excited about all that the future holds and All that God is doing in my life!!! And I'm so excited to keep you all updated! :) YAY!!!

Well this was pretty much just an update!! And I hope to be posting more often!! :)

P.S. I painted some shoes for my sister, her friend and myself! Here are a few pictures:


Have a Wonderful/Blessed day!! And I'll talk to you all soon! :)

-Holly :)

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