Saturday, August 15, 2009


WOW!!! So it's been a little while since my last blog.
And let me tell you....A LOT has happened.
I almost don't even know where to begin...

Well I guess I could start with Summer Staff .
Ending was a little bittersweet...I mean for the past 70 days or so I lived and served with these same people. I learned so much and was able to give so much! I know this summer has truly been an amazing experience that will stay with me forever!!! Whether it be the the late night talks with roommates about whatever was on our mind such as our futures, dreams, desires, how we want to cut our hair (haha) and most definitely what God was doing in our lives and the things to come!!:) Or it be the many talks we'd have in the YBB Studio! Whether it be fun riddles, random facts or silly questions that would lead to deep convos...All of those who served in that department have blessed me so much!!! (Just a little shout out...haha).

Or I could elaborate on our trip home. O MAN! That was a summer adventure in itself.
A friend, my sister, and I had to pack (and I mean PACK) all of our belongings/luggage into her little Ford Focus...haha. That was hilarious! But the funniest part had to be when we were running late for church (the morning of our departure) and we had to close the trunk..but the trunk had other plans...plans to make us LATE, to attempt to bring STRIFE, and other things....haha. Well WE had other plans. We tried a few different things...and then Prayed (which ALWAYS works) and PRAISE GOD it finally shut...And we were off!
The ride home was also quite the adventure!! An 8 hour drive, 3 girls (barely able to fit into the car...we had piles of stuff on our laps...), No map/GPS/ or form of direction...BUT we made it!!! :) And had fun along the way!! Which included sing alongs to the DC '09 Red Alert Soundtrack complete with Harmony and Dance moves! :)

And While I've been home I've been able to rest!! Yay to that! haha. But I've also had some FUNNNN! Running errands with Dad!!!:)
Speaking of which....I went with my dad to my old High School (he had to get some paper work signed for my brother...) and let me tell was so surreal. I've been back at school maybe once since I graduated in '07. And it was see drama production. So there I was sitting in the Counselors office. And while my dad was speaking with the one of the Guidance Counselors I started looking out the window...It was WIERD! So many memories flooded my mind... like the time I fell down the stairs..and hoped no one saw, The Pep Rally's, all those long hours of dance practice, My old locker (and did I still remember the combination??), Getting yearbooks signed, all of the Spirit Day's we'd have to boost our school unity, Class elections, off campus lunch, etc. And as I was thinking about this, for a quick 5 seconds I sort of missed the High School life....and then I snapped back into reality and decided I was Most Certainly glad that I am no longer in High School, I will refrain from making a list of the reasons why..haha. It also made me think about the different seasons we encounter in our lives.
Adolescence is beautiful. It's a time of innocence, and a time to grow and gain knowledge. I Praise God that he's blessed me and kept me from so many hardships that I could have so easily encountered. Being back in my old high school really helped me to realize what I was so blessed to NOT have encountered the things so many people my age succuumb to. I could easily continue on with this....But I feel as though this blog is coming to an end....and it's pretty late (2:54am...that's the summer for you!!!)

But I will leave you with this last thought:
Embrace the season that you're in right now! Whether it be a "Single" season, a season of "Commitment", a season of pruning (which I think we continually grow in..), or any other season you may be in. Know that God is with you (Revelation 21:3)and that He is for you!!! He has a plan and a purpose for your life! (Jeremiah 29:11). So trust God and have faith and know that He wants the best for you ALWAYS!!! :)

-Holly :)

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