Thursday, February 24, 2011

"Life Update"

These are some of the questions I've been getting lately:
"Hey, so umm what's going on in your life?"
"I heard you're moving! Where to?"
"OMG! I'm so excited for you, what will you be doing?"
So, here's a "Life Update" as my friend Rochelle, calls it!
Back in October/November (2010) I was presented with an opportunity! A friend of mine, Jenny sent myself and another friend of mine, we'll call this friend "Barbie" a link, to a website, to apply for some jobs at Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM)! I went to the website and looked over the positions they had open and chose a few that really interested me! I filled out my application, that might I add, was no easy feat! My computer/Internet connection was not cooperating, I had to fill it out about 3 times until I decided to call it a night. In the morning I woke up with a fresh perspective and filled that baby out on the first try! Praise GOD! I then, prayed over it and believed that if it was the right opportunity, God would open the right doors! Then, I sort of, placed it in the back of my mind. Then about a month later I got a call from their Human Resources Department and they were interested in me! Now, to make a long story short, I did a phone interview and was then called in for a few "Face to Face" interviews, if you will! On my last "Face to Face" I was actually done with my interview and they called me back in and offered me a completely different position that I hadn't even applied for! It's exactly what I was looking for & had prayed about! I tell you what, God will truly open the RIGHT doors for you! Just put your trust in HIM and you SO, won't be disappointed! I recieved a call on Monday, February 14th 2011, the day of LOVE! And KCM officially offered me the Project Coordinator position! I nearly dropped the phone, I was so excited! I wanted to run around town telling EVERYONE! I wanted to BLAST it on Facebook and Twitter and of course HERE! However, there were still some things that needed to be finalized, so I decided to keep things under raps until it was all taken care of! The next day I called my sweet friend Jenny and she was so excited! She's so sweet! And God opened another door! He'd put it on Jenny's heart about the same time I'd applied for the positions, that if I did get the job, for me to live with her! I prayed about it and I know this is TOTALLY a "God-Thing!" It's absolutely amazing to see what God was doing behind the scenes! While I was praying about the position's and open doors, God was already working out where I would live! And that's not all! I've been believing for a new vehicle for quite some time now! And I knew that God would provide it at the right time! When I was 17 I purchased a Forest Green, 1998 Buick Century. She's a great car as far as, getting from Point A to Point B, however cosmetically she isn't as "Wonderful" put it quite plainly she's an "OLD LADY CAR" however, The Green Beauty, as we've strategically named her (Hey, call those things to be not as though they were!) This week my mother, sister, and I went on a quest to find my new car! We looked for about 3 days and I am happy to say: "I am the proud new owner of a White Toyota Camry" I'm so excited! She's Beautiful! And in perfect condition! and one of my favorite features is the WINDOWS! THEY ROLL DOWN! ALL OF THEM! :) The Green Beauty's windows don't work, so I've never been able to go through the driv-thru..sad story, I know! So, today I was out running some last-minute errands and decided: "I would like some Starbucks, AND I will use the Drive-Thru!" I was so excited I even had my sister Record it on my phone! Needless to say, The Lord WILL provide and He always does! I am moving, to Fort Worth, TOMORROW! I'm so excited! And my First day at KCM is This Monday, Feb. 28th, 2011!!! All Praises be to God! He is SO GOOD! :)
Much Love,


  1. Who's pumped for you?... This guy! God is faithful and He's way ahead of us.

    -Stephen Maris

  2. Stephen, Thank you sir! God is so good! And I feel you are partly to thank, considering you introduced me to miss Jenny! The Lord is always working in mysterious ways!! :)
