Friday, March 18, 2011

Rewind your lives back to March 19th because that's when this was supposed to be posted.

(*SIDENOTE: My computer was playing the popular children's game, known as FREEZE when I tried to post, ummm ENJOY!) Starbucks. That's where I am RIGHT NOW! Now, some of you may be thinking: "SO...I go there EVERYday!" And I can relate to you, though, I'm not here EVERYDAY I come as often as possible. And for those of you who are like "What's Starbucks?" Then I am praying for you, because you have not yet embarked upon the tastey, nostril-pleasing adventure that is Starbucks! So, Why am I telling you that I'm at Starbucks, If I so OBVIOUSLY come here often and it's not some "HUGE" of an accomplishment? Because, I am writing this blog IN Starbucks! I've NEVER done that! I've always been a little nervous, I feel like peole would be staring at me, or reading over my shoulder, or well who knows, I just didn't want to! And to be honest I never really had a reason to. UNTIL, I moved to Ye 'Ole Newark, TX! :) Now, don't get me wrong, I don't mind a small-ish town, Can somebody say COLUMBUS, TEXAS! (Shout out to my TBI Peeps!) Well, In Newark, there's a little thing that prevents me from accessing the web, and that would be called: "A LACK OF SIGNAL" say it with me now: "LACK-OF-SIGNAL" Good! Now, we have it every now and then but it's not super reliable. Which actually hasn't been the worst thing ever. It's been like a fast I didn't know I was taking!! Which, I guess isn't technically a fast afterall...I have the use of my cellular device though, so I'm not TOTALLY disconnected from the Universe. Anyhow, That is my "short" explination of why this MONUMENTAL MOMENT is so important to me! And it's actually not bad at all! People are NOT staring or reading over my shoulder and to be honest I don't think they really care what I'm doing! Go figure! Now, onto the good stuff! I am currently, Like RIGHT THIS SECOND, listening to the NEW Hillsong United Cd "A F T E R M A T H" And let me tell you what! IT'S AWESOME! I know I'm a little late jumping onto this bandwagon...but Hey, at least I jumped, RIGHT?! If you haven't yet purchased it, YOU MUST! This is a CD worth actually purchasing and not just "Sampling" on iTunes. You know what I'm talking about, going onto iTunes and playing the little tid-bit they provide. WELL, STOP IT! You need to go buy it NOW! Or, ask for it, for your Birthday, or as a "Happy Friday Gift!" Either way, you must get it...NO Bootleggin'! While listening to it for the first time, I would decide: "OK, THIS is my FAVORITE song!" And then the next one would come on and I'd be like: "Scratch that, THIS ONE is my favorite!" And that's been happening with EVERY SONG!!! I've also heard the new Bethel CD "Be Lifted High" is rather AMAZING too! I've yet to purchase it, so I can't tell you what I think, but I'm going to say I'm PRETTY SURE I'll like it just as much! (**SIDENOTE: Seeing how it's really been almost a MONTH since I wrote this, I HAVE purchased the Bethel "Be Lifted High" CD, and Well like I Predicted AMAZING! Get it too!). As you all know, I recently re-located to the Ft.Worth area! It's been amazing! I can't even begin to express to you, with words, what a blessing this has been! I wake up at 6:30(am) and am so EXCITED to go to work everyday! Am I tired, yes, but still excited!! We have morning devotions with praise and worship! The people there LOVE GOD! I'm still getting used to walking past someones lunch table and hearing people talk about God's goodness! Just this afternoon, I was sitting at my desk, and I could here someone in their office talking with a co-worker about how much he loves and adores his wife! Now, I don't know about you, but in my personal experiences when I've overheard a co-worker talking in their office, in the past, they've been talking about their spouse but not neccessarily, expressing their love if you know what I'm saying...It's just so encouraging to see people who truley enjoy what they do! Serving there I'm constantly just OVERWHELMED with joy and as I'm sitting at my desk (ALL by myself might I add) and I start laughing!!! What an amazing environment! Now, are we all people, yes. Do we all have day's that don't start out like we'd planned (Such as myself this morning which involved a wardrobe malfunction and running late) yes. But as soon as you come into an environment that is saturated with God's love it's impossible to allow the enemy to prevail. PRAISE GOD!! Side Note: I'm now listening to "I AM" by Eddie James and I want to BUST OUT and start singing at the top of my lungs! Ha, what a sight that would be, for these people in here! Have you ever done that accidently? or on purpose perhaps??

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