Monday, May 23, 2011

Forks, Kicking, Screaming and the Disco

So, I would like to share something with you.

I'd written a very fun and detailed account of my weekend however I feel the need to share this with you instead:

Have you ever done something that has brought you to a "Fork in the road"?

Where you look at a situation and you can clearly see there are 2 decisions you could make.

The 2 decisions are as follows:

a.) Kick, Scream, throw a tantrum, place blame, cry, feel sorry for yourelf, get other people to feel sorry for me so I don't feel so silly getting upset over this thing, Alert the media, give up all hope, and maybe even get mad enough to THROW things.



Now, while Option "A" is rather appealing and somwhere I've almost dared go before, Option "B" is clearly the better option...or is it that Clear?

How many times in our everyday lives do we allow the silly, little, petty things get to us and wreck our day, week, month, year, or even our lives?

As people who live in the world (but are NOT OF THE WORLD..*Romans 12:2*Remember! ) we are faced daily if not hourly with opportunities that we could justify kicking, screaming, crying, and whining because we don't get our way.

I refuse to allow my future to be tampered with by the small, little, petty things that are thrown at me!

My destiny and purpose are too important to cry over phones, speeding tickets, not getting my way and that thing, some girl, said to me in the 7th grade.

It's time to step up to the plate and take charge of what we've been called to do.

We have 2 Choices:

a.)To give up and live a bland, mediocre, and quite frankly SAD life.


b.)The much better and WAY more exciting choice - to take hold of what we've been promised, by the Lord and fulfill the destiny He's placed on our lives!

He is GOOD and does ONLY GOOD!

He knew us before we were EVEN FORMED in our Mother's Womb. *Jeremiah 1:5* He has a plan and a purpose for each of our lives and the only reason that purpose won't be fulfilled is if WE ALLOW it to be voided by our kicking, screaming, crying and whining.

Don't spend so much time dwelling on how the world/man has done you wrong, the Lord even tells us in *Joshua 1:5* that man will fail us but the Lord will NEVER FAIL US! Isn't that so re-assuring! That encourages me daily, to know that I'm not forsaken, the Lord hasn't forgotten about me or what He's called me to do. He thinks about, prays for, and Loves me/you EVERY SINGLE MOMENT OF THE DAY!

I want to encourage you to STAY STRONG & don't give up!

The Lord Loves you and so do I!

Other Stuff:

-If you have not yet checked out generally speaking you must! Rochelle is such a talented writer and great friend! She's just all around, an awesome person!

Quote of the Week:
-"Life is like a disco, when the music changes, just keep dancing" - From the Movie: "Jumping The Broom"

Have a Blessed Week!

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